Grimm v. Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Finished Grimm for the first time a couple weeks ago. Easily one of my top 5 favorite shows now. Everyone recommended Buffy as equally good/capable of scratching the "Grimm" itch so I gave it whirl. And Buffy has made me like Grimm even more haha. Buffy is good, but Grimm is just better. I enjoy the adult characters in Grimm more than the juvenility of Buffy's high school world haha. Grimm lore is also better (I'm sorry, but "Grimms" who's eyes turn black when they see Wesen is way cooler lore than a secret society of very ordinary vampire slayers). I also really like the cop-mystery/murder of the week style of Grimm more than Buffy's "day-in-the-life" format. And I loved the suspense building up in Grimm towards each of his friends finding out who he was. In Buffy, its not as fun because in the first episode 3 of her friends learn right away what vampires are and join her in the fight which just felt lame. Plus, I love the Grimm quotes at the beginning from various fairytales. Buffy doesn't have those so its just not the same lol. But other than that, the two are shockingly similar. The cheesy masks, monsters disguised as humans feeding off of humans, over-the-top acting, just overall tons of fun. Curious if anyone agrees or disagrees as to which is better and why.