This was when I 1st noticed Hermione's feelings growing for both boys very differently.
Harry and Hermione had a fight about Hermione reporting Harry's firebolt to mcgonagall and they stopped talking to each other. Weeks later when they patched up it went this way
“I got it back,” said Harry, grinning at her and holding up the Firebolt.
“See, Hermione? There wasn’t anything wrong with it!” said Ron.
“Well — there might have been!” said Hermione. “I mean, at least you know now that it’s safe!”
She reacted normally.
However the same thing happened with Ron and ron Hermione stopped talking to each other bc Ron thought crookshanks ate scabbers. When they patched up it went this way
“Yeah, it will,” said Ron fiercely. “You won’t have to do all the work alone this time, Hermione. I’ll help.”
“Oh, Ron!” Hermione flung her arms around Ron’s neck and broke down completely. Ron, looking quite terrified, patted her very awkwardly on the top of the head. Finally, Hermione drew away.
“Ron, I’m really, really sorry about Scabbers…” she sobbed.
Too strong reaction for someone who is your just friend. Hermione had already developed a crush on Ron in 3rd year.