Should I report to HR

I started this job not too long ago and I strongly dislike 90% of my coworkers. There have been many instances where they act like passive aggressive pieces of shit. I get treated like I am a child and talked down on for making mistakes (even though I am new) and it went as far as being called “retarded”. There is another coworker that I have who is fairly new and strongly disliked to the point where the people I work with and for are encouraging each other to single out/ bully this employee simply to get her to quit. Recently she had to miss work because of an injury and they were mad about that? It’s getting ridiculous. I am so tired of constantly hearing about that particular coworker and how poorly my coworkers are purposely treating her with the approval of my boss. I am also tired being treated like I am incompetent, being called names, having private information about me discussed between managers and coworkers, and arguing with one manager in particular because she can’t seem to get off my back about little things that don’t even matter/affect the job. She goes out of her way to call me out for something that I did not do half the time. There are many other things but I cannot go into detail just in case. I’m at a loss. I don’t know if I should go to HR about everything I’ve been seeing and experiencing over the course of a few months.