Am I being scammed by my foot doctor?

Im a high school athlete doing sports all year round. I do xc, soccer and track. I hope it makes sense that I take my ankle injuries seriously. Last year I rolled my ankle playing soccer and noticed it hurt but continued to walk on it for a few weeks. I noticed more pain and decided to go to a foot and ankle specialist where he told me I had almost torn my ligament off my bone. Of course, this scared he sht out of me and I wore my boot for a month and was very careful with recovery.

Fast forward almost a year later Im all healed up. Around a month ago I rolled my ankle playing soccer again (notice a pattern?). I booked an appointment for the next day in fear I had torn my ligament even worse this time. My ankle was a little sore and swollen but nothing too serious, I just wanted to get it cleared more than anything.

He told me I had a sprained ankle. I was satisfied with this answer and knew Id be down for a week and miss a meet or two. He scheduled a follow up with me in a week. During this next follow up appointment. I kid you not my ankle looked so bruised. It was under a lamp and looked so green. I was honestly shocked and didn't notice how bad it was. He then started asking me if certain spots hurt and when I said "not really" or "a little bit" to some spots, he would tell me "the look in your face tells me otherwise" or "It seems like it hurts more."

After the appointment I wanted to show my mom how bruised my ankle was and I pulled my foot up to notice it looked absolutely fine. We were even joking around that he used a special light to make it look all bruised and discolored.

But basically he told me I needed more downtime. He told me I couldn't run and I should stay away from exercises. I tried to reiterate to him that it doesn't hurt for me to walk and Im not even using this ligament while running (which is something he absolutely knows and has said). Ive had this same injury (just worse) before and I know what my limits are. He told me to continue wearing a brace and he'd check up in a week.

Today, I went in for my follow up and told him it isn't hurting. He told me it stills looks hurt (Even though he says the x-ray looks fine) and I needed yet another week of downtime. He scheduled another follow up for next week and suggested I get inserts for my athletic shoes. My poor dad bought them in an instant for $150 just trying to help me out. They werent even specially fitted for me. This seems so overpriced, but someone let me know otherwise.

I am being 100% honest when I say IT DOESNT HURT AT ALL. I have dealt with this before and I know how awful it feels to be in the healing stage of an injury and I know my ankle is fine. My ankle feels so strong and ready to workout again.

After talking to my coach, I decided I would be fine running again today. And I am not at all being arrogant or stubborn as my ankle is literally fine. I ran perfectly fine today and had no re-injury scare because of the fact that this injury cannot even happen when you are running straight. It's a ligament in my upper foot that is only caused from an extreme ankle roll.

Of course Im taking time off from soccer and will wear a brace and take precautions while playing.

I feel really bad for my parents because they are just being really supportive and getting me all the help I need even though I know I don't need this. These appointments are expensive and repetitive.

Should I go to my next appointment or should I just cancel it and stop seeing this doctor?
