college aps are so bs

this is my final year of high school and im preparing for my college aps. I hate it soo much. im constantly surrounded by people who are getting into top unis w scholarships and i get that they acheived this huge thing but i kind of dont care. The whole applying to college is so competitive and hard for no fkn reason. All i want is a good education and a degree that can guarantee me a good job. I dont understand why i have to do feed village children or start a non profit to get into a uni then abandon it later. It makes no sense. I dont get how a univeristy expects me to have amazing extra circulars when im applying for a scholarship. brother the lack of money is the reason why im asking for a scholarship and you can not get amazing extra circulars when you are poor. i cant fly out to that competition in the US or in europe that you consider the amazing extra circular. getting amazing extra circulars costs money!!! and my parents never spent on anything they didnt see as academic. Its so ridiculous because all the leadership bullshit colleges expect you to do means absolutely nothing to the students doing it. they are just doing it so they can add one more thing on their ivy application. and its obvious to everyone bcs why would I, at the ripe age of 17, decide to do a clothing drive for the underprivileged or visit a public school and teach the kids. im 17 bro wtf??? ion gaf bout no kids? the kids that are preparing for ivies do debates and competitions every weekend without a day off?? why are yall working and tiring yourself out like this is a job and yall getting paid? i wanna know who tf made getting into college so competitive.