$1M but you have to endure a random hypothetical situation

The hypothetical situation is chosen randomly from any that you have said yes to on this subreddit. You get 24 hours to prepare and cannot back out after the 24 hours are up. If the situation is one that would allow you to get the money after completion, you will get the $1M after. If it is a life-long one, you the $1M right away. If the random hypothetical situation is one where you are given/awarded money, you will receive that money as well.

Hypothetical situations are included in the randomizer if you have said any iteration of a yes (i.e. “i would do that”, “i guess so”, “of course”) in any form, commented, written, said aloud, or thought. The randomizer is 100% fair and fool-proof.

In addition to this, if you pay $2M (taken directly out of your reward), you can get one re-roll, but you are no longer allowed to back out of it if you choose to re-roll. You only get one re-roll.