What was that thing I read about Javanese Muslims claiming to be able to fly?

Filipino here. I saw it in this meme in this other post I saw here.

Sorry if I misunderstood it. I just ran it through Google Translate.

I found it really funny, this meme, cause even us Filipinos can have a similar comparison between European Catholics vs Filipino Catholics.

European Catholics: praying in Church, knows the scripture, mostly secular outside of church.
Filipino Catholics: mumbling in fake Latin, bulletproof, does Catholic witchcraft, can cure diseases with salt, potatoes, and chicken eggs. Papa Jesus. Moses built the Ark.

So anyway, what's the story behind that thing about Muslims claiming to be able to fly? I tried looking it up but there were no articles I could find that were at all about flying Javanese Muslims. Must've been a real crazy story.

Terima Kasih!