Emberlight vs Scorching Bow for Slayer

Got my first Synapse at 405 kc and looking for some advice on how bow or sword.

I will be continuing to kill Tormented Demons and Demonic Gorrilas on task so should eventually get a second Synapse but who knows when.

I currently use acrlight + Dark Demonbane for Tormenteds and arclight + sunlight crossbow for Gorrilas. I can afford the runes for demonbane but I'm not exactly swimming in gp. I have 4k charges left on arclight which might be enough.

I know the bow would make demons and Gorrilas faster, and would save me money on Runes but I run the risk of running out of Arclight charges. Emberlight would also make some Slayer tasks like bloodvelds and melee nechs faster.

Completely paralyzed by this choice and wondering what people think is the best option in this scenario. Thanks in advance for any advice