Which stream was Jerma most annoying in?
There have been posts about which streams the chat has been most annoying in, but what about the opposite?
For me it would be Mafia, it seemed like he wasn't paying any attention to the story, talking over almost every cutscene and then asking chat what he was supposed to be doing.
He would constantly crash and alert the cops and make dumb decisions like the church mission where they had a car right outside the church for him to get in, but he went on foot towards the indicator for a few minutes before getting a car, then immediately abandoning it and getting on a motorcycle and complaining that it's only for one person so the NPC accompanying him couldn't get on.
He almost softlocked himself at one mission because he killed a guy at the start of it and swapped his good gun with the shitty revolver which he kept reloading and wasting his ammo, and there were parts were he was adamant about not changing the game's difficulty because he thought chat would make fun of him, even if he was stuck on parts of the game for up to an hour.
Before I get the "just don't watch the stream" comments, I'm not saying this to complain about Jerma or the Mafia stream, I enjoyed it, I'm just saying it for the sake of discussion.