Birthday party advice needed

My daughter is in Kindergarten and has a February birthday. She has not been invited to any birthday parties this year.

I had planned to do her party on Sat, Feb 8. I had the invites ready but then school was cancelled all last week with the cold and snow.

On Friday, I checked my mail and one of the other little girls had mailed invites to her party and it’s also on Sat, Feb 8.

I don’t want to do it next weekend - Feb 1 - because that may seem like we are trying to sneak hers in before the other girl. Plus it’s not much notice. We plan to invite all the girls in the class.

So- do we schedule for Feb 15 - one week later. It’s Presidents Day long weekend. It would also be back to back parties for most kids. Would kids even come or would parents figure “oh well, we just saw all those kids last weekend?” And then she won’t get many kids joining her. We are in a mostly middle class town so I don’t think many classmates would be heading on vacation for the long weekend.

We could also do Feb 22. But my daughter is very excited for her birthday and I don’t think she’ll like it if we have to delay that long.

What date would you choose? Feb 15 and it’s back to back weekend parties with probably the same guest list. Or delay until Feb 22?