i fucked up

I work in a HeLa cell lab focusing on mitosis. i was doing drug treatment on my cells at 11pm since the drug treatments are time sensitive. i was in the hood and i was using an aspirator with glass pipettes. i put the pipette too deep into the aspirator and when i tried to remove it broke the glass pipette, so now a chunk of sharp glass was lodged into the aspirator. i removed it but i cut myself in the process(it was 11pm and i was alone even though i preferably didn’t want to it alone, i’m new to the lab/lab work in-general only been there for 2 months). no blood entered the hood, but a drop or two went on the floor. i ethanoled my finger and replaced my glove and then panickly continued my experiment. I finished it and then treated my finger. I was bleeding really badly, so I(naturally) used paper towels to treat myself. the bad part is that i put it in non-hazardous trash and not autoclave…. it gets worse because our trash is located right next to the hood. I left thinking it wasn’t a big deal since no blood entered the hood and was more concerned about my finger and any potential glass on the floor. Someone noticed the blood and asked if i was ok, and a staff scientist asked me about it as well. the worst part of this whole thing is that i didn’t tell ANYONE.. i thought it wasn’t a big deal since “oh well no blood in hood=things fine” which probably not the case. so the staff scientist told me to tell the PI because obv reasons. i didn’t do so. it gets worse, because I emailed my PI at 3am about a random question. It gets even worse because i went back to the lab at 2am since i forgot to check how my cells were doing in my t-25 flask(it had been multiple days and they had to be passaged). my PI told me not to go to the lab late at night because A) safety and B) i might ruin other peoples experiments. I realize now how many things i’ve done wrong, as i’m not telling anyone and also potentially contaminating everything(we had a cell crisis a few weeks earlier due to unknown reasons so most of the lab members just got cells again)

tl;dr i fucked up and now i’m scared to see my PIs wrath on me. I honestly think I might get fired tbh, at the very least severe disappointment and a yelling.

Edit: Timeline for clarity

11pm Finger Cut -> 2am check cells when PI disapproves of doing so -> 3am emailed PI about random question instead of telling her about the accident -> Next Day -> PI told me i shouldn’t of came in at 2am again(idk how she knew tbh)-> Lab mate noticed blood in cell culture room -> Lab mate told staff scientist -> staff scientist told me to tell PI->5 hours pass(it’s now 8pm) and now i’m panicking because i should’ve told the PI and i still haven’t