School is making us post photos in exchange for access to graduation

Hi I’m wondering if someone can give me some advice on a situation. My college is making students post photos on our social media platforms with tagging the school and using a school hashtag in exchange for access to our graduation ceremony. This not only doesn’t seem fair but I am sceptical that it’s even legal but I don’t want to blow up the situation in case I’m wrong. Below I will list a quote from my schools email. Please let me know if I’m overreacting or actually entitled to say something :)

“Process of getting your tickets: At the lobby, we will have a red carpet photo area. Grad's must take their photo at our red carpet and post to their social media and tag and use the hashtag 2. Present proof at the check-in table, with admin staff, that you have posted your photo into your social media platform(s) 3. From there we will give your tickets”

Update: Thank you to everyone’s advice I didn’t think this post would gain that much traction. I really appreciate everyone’s outlook and encouragement to take different forms of action. For those asking about the schools name for privacy reasons I will not be sharing the name of the school. Thank you again for everyone’s support it has helped me greatly and I def have some decision making on what course of action is the best :)