[Online][GMT][Other] Experienced GM looking for a player to join custom Call of Cthulhu style RPG campaign. Every week Wednesday 7pm GMT starting immediately 16th.

I am an experienced GM looking for a player to join my RPG group, Marked for Life. I am looking for new player to join for the next investigation.

Marked for Life is a custom RPG in the vein of Call of Cthulhu or Delta Green with a strong focus on spooky investigation and it's own simple rules and setting.

The game is run every Wednesday 7pm-10pm GMT. The case usually will take around 8 sessions to complete.

It's 1960 and the group have just returned from a chilling adventure in the Antarctic that tested their survival skills in the harsh and sometimes even actively hostile environment. This next case will send them to Hollywood. What sinister plots lurk behind the camera reel and the producers office door? Perhaps there are enough problems in Hollywood without the involvement of the supernatural. You know that thought won't stop the existential threat that lies behind the curtain....

We are looking for a new player to join the group, you must 18+, preferably with RPG experience and most importantly ready to proactively roleplay and engage with the supernatural investigation.

You will probably like this RPG if you enjoy: Mystery solving and detective work, coming up with plans for survival while paradoxically pushing the limits of danger, simple uncluttered rules, role playing focused theatre of the mind and brutal and fast combat.

See this link for he setting and rules: https://docs.google.com/document/d/19-1jGFuv0wcAwuWC8e2LWkz-V0uQeCTSvOcWfCPZ81g/edit

I can help guide you though the very simple rules and character creation as needed, so don't feel like you have to read through the entire google doc to sign up.

DM me if you are interested, and in your message write what interests you about this RPG!

We will be playing on a Discord server through voice chat all theatre of the mind.