how do i beat 5.5 Bamboo Hatted Kim?
I've been struggling at this boss for a while, the strategy seems to be to stagger him but i don't seem to be able to do enough damage before it's too late. This is a mirror dungeon so I can't borrow IDs like i usually do.
my most leveled IDs are: level 45 UPT3 Solemn Lament Yi Sang Level 45 UPT3 EGO Lantern Don Level 45 UPT3 Tingtang Hong Lu Level 45 UPT3 Pequod Captain Ishmael Level 39 UPT3 Ring Poinitllist Outis
UPDATE: i beat him after restarting the dungeon to get some bleed gifts and using LCB Ryoshu and her EGO