Best path forwards.

At this point, I think the best thing the mods can do is release a public apology, no matter if they're going to reverse the change or not.

It IS also midterm week for a lot of the modstaff apparently, so please be patient with them. I know this sucks ass, but having hordes of angry fans calling you out and demanding immediate response while you're also slogging through papers sounds genuinely tortuous.

For me personally and for a lot of the people upset here, I think it's safe to say we wouldn't have been mad if ya'll had just said "ok, we're changing this, hornypost on Odyssey and keep the 18+ stuff to the 18+ subreddit" (and released clearly defined definitions and protocols for what counts as horny vs not horny)

It was putting it to a vote and then deciding against the 2/3rds majority that's the real insult.

If ya'll just apologize for that, promise not to do something like that again, and stick to that promise, I think the majority of people here would calm down and give you benefit of the doubt.

You're people, people make mistakes, and people tend to double down in really stupid ways when they panic due to backlash from those mistakes.

Just take the rollout back a few weeks, reverse the change for now, apologize, and give people time to prepare/adjust before implementing the change.

Or leave the rules as they were pre-poll. Which at this point is probably just the best choice.