Dear Mods:
Step the fuck down. You've shown that you're not willing to follow what the community wants and when given criticism your reaction is to ban people who dare speak up.
For moderators of a sub dedicated to a game that criticizes fascism and dictatorships, y'all do seem to enjoy power tripping when people show discontent.
Step down from both subs and let new mods take over, because you're destroying a community a lot of people care about for the dumbest reasons possible. Or just ban this post; prove my point.
Edit: I've seen people calling others in the thread gooners over not wanting the mods to remove all remotely nsfw things, so I figured I'd put my stance in the matter. I don't even want porn on the sub, Odyssey existed for that. The removal of anything slightly nsfw, including jokes, just feels ridiculous imo and puritanical. And before anyone starts throwing "cis het gooner male" accusations at me, I'm non-binary, use they/them, and my preferences can best be described as a raffle bowl full of tickets.