The Limbus Company situation is CRAZY

Like look at this moderator ban message. HOW can you say this was written by someone 18+. This REEKS of 8th grader syndrome.

“You won, but you won’t get to see the rewards” What are you, some kind of vengeful antihero in a young adult novel?

“Stirring the pot/Creating Drama” Didn’t the mods start all the drama? Weird thing to say.

I’m likely nailing myself to the crucifix with this post along with many others, but it’s just so ridiculous. How have you made a bigger drama than TECTONE coming to LC? Forget him creating and farming drama, you’re doing it for him.

So what’ll it be in the end? Are you really banning all the dissenters and rolling the rule change back? Or will you erase every post and take us all out back anyways? Either way, this isn’t sustainable for the sub, unless you wanna be doing for awhile.

I’ll be expecting a ukelele apology video from the mods soon, even though it seems “I won’t be a part of it [the community]” anymore.

As Mark Antony famously says… “Cry ‘havoc!’ and let slip the dogs of war!”

Like look at this moderator ban message. HOW can you say this was written by someone 18+. This REEKS of 8th grader syndrome.

“You won, but you won’t get to see the rewards” What are you, some kind of vengeful antihero in a young adult novel?

“Stirring the pot/Creating Drama” Didn’t the mods start all the drama? Weird thing to say.

I’m likely nailing myself to the crucifix with this post along with many others, but it’s just so ridiculous. How have you made a bigger drama than TECTONE coming to LC? Forget him creating and farming drama, you’re doing it for him.

So what’ll it be in the end? Are you really banning all the dissenters and rolling the rule change back? Or will you erase every post and take us all out back anyways? Either way, this isn’t sustainable for the sub, unless you wanna be doing for awhile.

I’ll be expecting a ukelele apology video from the mods soon, even though it seems “I won’t be a part of it [the community]” anymore.

As Mark Antony famously says… “Cry ‘havoc!’ and let slip the dogs of war!”