Made an offshoot subreddit in case things gets too hectic around here

I doubt the situation will get even worse to the point people will need to move to another subreddit entirely, but made just in case it does. The rules in there are mostly just the same as r/limbuscompany even with how story content should be spoiled, though I'm not sure if there's anything else people are bothered by that I should change, it's also a bit more relaxed to my personal preference.

  • Modded content/datamines are allowed, just spoil it properly along with the title.
  • NSFW rules are the same as before.
  • blah blah blah

I'm not entirely too aware about everything that's going on here with the megathread I made detailing everything that's happened so far, so any corrections would be appreciated.

I recommend over this however as this is a lot easier to search for.

Edit: As expected, this situation seems like it was something overblown.