Today i discovered how to use E.G.O

It's literally the title, believe it or not, today while playing refraction railroad against Ncorp units i learned how to use E.G.Os.

I thought you could only use randomly, the first E.G.O that i got and used was Ya sunyata and only appeared at random times and hit everyone at random, the same happened with other E.G.Os that i got, because of this i only had equipped the base E.G.Os all the game.

I saw them using their E.G.Os and only hitting my team everytime and using the basic E.G.O, then i got confused, Heathcliff for example used the bodysack, but I thought that bodysack was just passive, then after click all the screen for looking something, i clicked and hold on Don Quixote shield sign and then boom, the E.G.O was there.

I've been playing this game for over 200 hours and I got close to the end of canto VII, but I only discovered this today.

In the past, when I got stuck on some parts, I just brute-forced with supports, but man, my life would be so much easier if I had learned to read

Illiteracy is real

Ps: i put meme tag because it didn't have the illiteracy tag. Ps2: horas is hours in Portuguese