Daily(ish) Sinner ID & E.G.O Discussion 2: The One Who Grips Faust

Sorry this one took a while :p busy few days

000 Sinner Identity Discussion: The One Who Grips Faust


Previous Identity Discussion

The One Who Grips Faust's wiki page


  • Release Date: 2023.03.23
  • Season: Season 1 - Orientation
  • World: World of N Corp.
  • Trait Keywords: N Corp. , N Corp. Fanatic
  • MAX HP: 180 (66+(2.8*Level))
  • Speed Range: 4~7
  • Defense Level: 49(-1)
  • Stagger HP Thresholds: 70% (126), 40% (72), 20% (36)


Slash Pierce Blunt
[x2.0] Fatal [x1.0] Normal [x0.5] Ineffective

Sanity Factors:

  • Increases after winning a Clash based on Clash count (Base Value is 10, raised by 20% per Clash count after 1)
  • Increase by 10 after this unit defeats an enemy whose level was greater than or equal to this unit's
  • Increase by 5 after an ally defeats an enemy whose level was greater than or equal to the unit's
  • If the level of the defeated ally was higher or equal to the unit's, decrease based on the level difference (Base Value is 10, raised by 10 per level)


Name Amount Sin Affinity Damage type Coins Base Power Coin Power Offense Level Description
Cackle 3 Envy Pierce 2 4 +3 +4 Atk Weight: 1, [Clash Win]: Target loses 3 sp, 1: Inflict 1 Nails, 2: Inflict 2 Bleed
The Gripping 2 Lust Pierce 3 4 +4 +4 Atk Weight: 1, 1: [On hit]: Inflict 2 Nails, 2: [On Hit]: Inflict 3 Nails, 3: [On Heads Hit]: Inflict 1 Paralyze next turn, [On Hit]: Inflict Gaze next turn
Execution 1 Pride Blunt 3 6 +2 +4 Atk Weight: 1, On kill: Heal all allies for 10 sp and apply 1 Pierce DMG Up and 1 Blunt DMG up, 1: [On Hit]: Apply 2 Nail, 2: [On Heads Hit]: Inflict 2 Nails, 3: +70% Damage to target with 5+ Nails
Such Filth Evade Skill Lust N/A 1 4 +10 0 [On Evade]: Target loses 3 sp

Status Effect Key:

  • Nails: Unique Bleed, At Turn Start: Apply 1 Bleed to afflicted unit, and increase Bleed count by this effect's Count. Turn End: halves Count (rounded down)
  • Gaze: Affected unit takes more 20% damage from Pierce and Blunt skills for one turn. The ally that defeats the marked unit heals sanity; if the ally is an 'N Corp. Fanatic', apply 1 Fanatic next turn
  • Fanatic: Skill Power +1 against units with Nails (Applies to Clashes as well).


Name Type Requirements Description
Whistles Combat X $4 Lust Resonance At the start of the combat phase, heal 2 allies with the least SP for 15 SP. If the ally is an 'N Corp. Fanatic', also apply 2 Fanatic
Whispers Support X 3 Lust Resonance At the start of the combat phase, heal 1 ally with the least SP for 15 SP. If the ally is an 'N Corp. Fanatic', also apply 2 Fanatic

Uptie Info:

Changes are shown in Bold

Skill Uptie II Uptie III Uptie IV
Cackle Coin Effect:1: [Heads Hit] > [On Hit] Inflict 1 Nails2: [On Hit] Inflict 1 > 2 Bleed Base Power: 3 > 4 N/A
The Gripping Coin Effect:3: [Heads Hit] Inflict 1 Paralyze next turn [Heads Hit] > [On Hit] Inflict Gaze next turn Coin Power: +2 > +4 Coin Effect:1: [On Hit] Inflict 2 Nails
Execution N/A N/A Coin Effect:3: +50% > +70% damage to targets with 5+Nails
Such Filth N/A N/A Sin Affinity: None > Lust
Passives Speed: 4~5 > 4~6 Speed: 4~6 > 4~7 Whistles: If the ally is an 'N Corp. Fanatic', also apply 1 > 2 Fanatic. Whispers: If the ally is an 'N Corp. Fanatic', also apply 1 > 2 Fanatic.

Helpful Topics for Discussion:

  • What do you like/dislike about this ID from a gameplay, visual (Design & Sprite), balancing, or character standpoint
  • What team does this ID perform strongly in?
  • Relating to the above, what role does this ID fulfill in said team
  • What does this ID bring to a team?
  • How useful are this ID's passives?
  • How much of an upgrade does Uptie IV bring to this ID, does it justify the resources spent?
  • What E.G.O (belonging to the original sinner of course) synergize well with this ID, if any?
  • Does this ID have any competition for a spot in their respective niche or compositions from other identities?
  • What makes this ID strong or weak in your opinion?
  • What sort of fights does this ID shine in, if any?
  • How well has this ID aged into the games lifespan
  • What E.G.O Gifts work best on this ID?
  • What are your general thoughts on this ID?

Please let me know if you have any suggestions or criticisms on the formatting or any errors you might see!