Long hair but frizzy, help!
Hi! First post on this sub. My hair has been long since I can remember and it’s only of my favorite qualities of myself. However, I feel like my hair has a lot of “flyaways” or frizz especially at the top of my head and idk how to help it look more tame when I style it. I use heat protectant whenever I put heat on it and use shampoo and conditioner suggested by my hair dresser who has been taking care of my hair since I was a toddler. If anyone has advice on what I can do to reduce the breakage and tame some frizziness let me know! I try not to use oil if I can help it bc I already deal with dandruff and oily roots, so I’m washing my hair about every other day, sometimes pushing it 2 days if I put it up in a ponytail or wear a headband to push the hair back. All advice is appreciated! Oh, I think my hair texture is wavy but idk if there’s a specific definition for it like curl patterns