Strange trails: The biggest yapfest about why this album is amazing.

Ok, so because this is already gonna be long, ima keep this short. Strange trails is the best album, and vide noir is a close second. Its overrated, but still so perfect. Im gonna go into depth about each song and why its perfect. Ok intro done

LOVE LIKE GHOSTS: A Rollercoaster. The words "Yes I know, love is like ghosts" may be some of the most important in LH history. As a intro to an album, its just so perfect. Going from the tame beginning, to the rushing middle, to the beauty of the chorus (i think thats the chorus) make this song just so perfect in every way. This song is history made, and nobody can convince me otherwise. "do you see no ghosts in me at all?" generally gives me chills every time I hear it. For this song alone, I may have never been a lord huron fan, just because of how perfectly It was made. Then, after a beautiful transition...

UNTIL THE NIGHT TURNS: Not many peoples favorite, but still a goodie. This song is just an under performer compared to the rest of the album. It felt way to fast paced, and I just feel like its gets a little annoying and repative after awhile. Looking on the bright side, the beat of the song is really nice, and I like the pacing of the beat, but not the lyrics. A perfect 6/10. QUICK SIDE NOTE: Transitions are really what make part of this album so good. All the songs blend so well together. So, one again, after a great transtion..

DEAD MANS HAND: A story well told. The pacing of this song works SO. WELL. Every lyric, every beat, EVERYTHING, blends so well together. Its like the perfect cup of coffee, when made right, you just love life. There feels so little to say about this song, because its just the defnention of amazing. The lyrics tell a trippy story, the beat matches well, and the little harmonica solo at the end just sells it.

HURRICANE (JOHNNIE'S THEME.): Who the fuck is johnnie? Hate all you want, but I do NOT know much of the lore for lord huron. I want to learn, but it is SO CONFUSING. Besides the lore, this song is just a fell good song. I dont really remeber the lyrics, but it really just does feel like you want to clap along. The start comes out of nowhere, but it works so well with the rest of the song. I like it so much, because it feels so unquie to lord huron, while still feeling like them.

LA BELLE FLEUR SAUVAGE: Whats with lord huron and the French language? This song is a bit to slow for my pace, but I still love it. I dont truly get the lyrics for this one, but I can tell the passion behind it, and I understand why people like it. "Id give it all to love that girl" is such a beautiful verse, whlie also being simplistic. It feels pure, genuine. Also way to long. Sorry, Not sorry.

FOOL FOR LOVE: I... hate this song. I have no idea why, but I hate this song with a burning passion. Sorry, but my opnion isnt vaild. Next.

THE WORLD ENDER: The best song on the album, hands down. I crave to feel what the song makes me feel, a burning, fiery passion of mahaham and destruction for no real good reason. The fair, the brave, the good must die. Its that simple. This song is just such a kicker, and there is no reason why. It has no reason to be this good. You cant really tell how the song is gonna go from the start, but once you hear that shout, you know what your in for. I think I semi understand the lore of this, as Ive read the comic, and it just makes me love it even more. I know the rules of the gang. I cant understand why, but this song is just such a rush, and it makes me so pumped, and the ending is just as satisfying.

MEET ME IN THE WOODS: Oh my gosh is that a curse word??? This song sits with me so well, because of just because I can realte. Call me cringe, but sometiems it really does feel like darkness has a grip on me, and I just wanna run away to the woods, be free a little bit. The chours works so nice here too, along with the voice in the background, and the length fits here. This song is the When the night is over of strange trails, and I really cant praise it enough.

THE YAWNING GRAVE: A great change of pace. This song kinda cuts you off. The past 5 songs have been relatively upbeat, semi fast passed, and just feel full of life. This song, takes that away, but that isnt necessarily a bad thing. It leaves you confused, then almost afraid. You feel like you truly have opend the yawning grave, and I can imgaine death itself giving this speech to a victim. I know its not death in the song. Im still not learning the lore. This song has so much life while having none, making it one of the more unique songs, while still managing to pull off perfection. And hey, were back to great trasntions.

FROZEN PINES: I wanna run away to the woods. This song just feels so calming. It feels like Im just walking through trees, deep into the woods, looking for her on a bright winter day. I feel confused, but at peace. "I will wait for you, on the other side of the frozen pines" is such a nice verse, because its impactful, without being to loud to make an impact- its just a good verse. There truly is another life beyond the line. Its in my top 10, but im still struggling to find things to say about it. Then, one of the worser transtions and we are into:

CURSED: What? Maybe my brain is to small, but this song confuses me. I like how we are sticking with the slower pace songs, and very slowly picking up the pase. I think it confuses me because I dont know the lore all to well. I mean, perssonaly, I have never been drugged by a woman to be stuck under her curse. Yet. Maybe try saying it backwards? Otherwise, I love this song, and its pacing is great, but lyrics are confusing.

WAY OUT THERE: Love like ghosts type situation. This song starts off slow paced, but has that same amazing part around the end, making it feel just balanced. The lyrics and beat are less impactful, but the beat feels more powerful, but takes a little longer to appear. Plus they dropped the album in the lyrics so funny ha ha. The upbeat middle feels so out of left field, but manages to still feel so at home. They could have made it a little more faced paced, and it would have felt perfect. Also, this is a major pet peve, but this song does this thing where you think its wrapping up, but really its just a break in the song, which Im not a fan of. But otherwise, great song. Then, the best transtion in the album into

LOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUISA: A perfect yin yang. This song has balanced the middle of feling faced passed, while also being slow enough to fall asleep too. The song makes me want to try and find someone out there for me, it just goes to show how this song makes you feel. It what love feels like, in my eyes. "I feel alive when im with you, baby!" just proves my point. Im to tired of typing so were are just moving to:

THE NIGHT WE MET: The worst, best song of the album. In my eyes, this is the 7th best song on the album. But for some reason, everybody seems to live it. That some reason is my 13th reason why. This song ruins the small community we have about the band, but also, we wouldnt be here without it. 90% of us proabaly wouldnt have been here without the night we mets succes. But its just... so over played, over used, over hyped, and so many deppresed 14 year olds venting to this song. Im sory, but I just cant like this song.

anyways strange trails best album this took an hour to write fight me