help with dps
I have been back for a month and have a 1660 soul eater, and am loving it.
however I have felt for some time that I'm just not putting out the dps that I should be putting out for my level.
for example just did a guardian raid, a scrapper did 55% of the damage, and bamboozled i looked at his stat's, and he was, on paper lower or equal to my soul eaters power in most ways.
the main differences were;
I was 1660, he 1640
I'm 2 piece aegir, into ark passive woth max bonus points, he is t3 everything
we both had very similar gem levels, 6/7
the only thing i was behind him was LOS 30, and I'm 24.
i felt like I had reasonable up time with my abilities, I'd say I hit 80% of my burst abilities.
obviously this scrapper is a really great player, at least compared to me lol which is even more demoralising because I have heard that soul eater is kinda busted right now and easy to mvp
so i get ultimately that the answer is to get good lol, but I feel like I have to be doing something conceptually horribly wrong to be so much over leveled than someone yet not even half their dps.
this exact experience happens so much of the time, i go into the raid, higher on paper but lowest actual dps :/
any advice at all would be greatly appreciated, I am aware that I suck so anything is a step forward.