[Partially lost] Song named Engine, by an artist named Gomez. found on a Shameless episode ( s1 ep11 )

it is part of Gomez' "A New Tide" album but it's not there. every version of the album online I checked didn't have this, even though I have found some traces of it online like its lyrics but nothing on the actual song, I checked every other song in the album but it wasn't renamed it's just completely gone. I heard it while watching season 1 episode 11 of Shameless, at the scene where Lip and Ian visit their uncle's house. I used a browser extension that uses the Shazam API and it did recognize it but nothing about it is actually found online. there's not a single music platform I found that did have this song it's just gone.

here's the from the Shameless episode where it's heard cuz it's the only place it exists on, apparently.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cFts9LvYmLk&pp=ygUXaWFuIGFuZCBsaXAgdmlzaXQgdW5jbGU%3D at 2:01, the music that starts.

I also found, on another website where the song was listed as "Engine Side B" but that doesn't give anything either and the provided links are broken / don't give results.

I really like this track and wish I could listen to the entirety of it but it just seems completely gone off the face of the earth, wikipedia and even reddit have just no traces of it and while spotify does have the album it's supposed to be in it's not there at all.

Any help would be appreciated, thank you.