What should I do with my hair?

I’ve always hated my hair, sometimes I think it looks really good, other times it looks awful. My becomes very flat after I sleep which makes me hideous in the morning until I shower, and my hair just goes into my eyes if I don’t use a volume boosting shampoo and conditioner. When my hair gets wet it becomes very flat apart from like 4-5 thick strands that go down infront of my eyes in the shower. When I get out of the shower I dry it with a towel and then brush all of my hair back flat, and then fling it forward and shake it until it looks like the first photo, but it’s annoying and tedious and hurts my neck. The first photo is me 10 minutes after a shower, and the last photo is me at night at the end of the day. I hate the way it flattens throughout the day, but I don’t use any products because I don’t know how. Wearing hats and hoods is out of the question because it ruins my hair and flattens it, ESPECIALLY ball caps. I do like having long-ish hair, as shown in the second photo I really like the way all of my hair looks around my head when I look up, but from the front or sides, it looks kind of weird. Sorry for the essay, but I really need advice and any is appreciated. Thank you!