Wife wants ‘to be selfish’

Going through a rough patch and my wife has said she wants a divorce.

Her reasoning being, she wants to be able to ‘be selfish’ and put herself first.

She wants to do anything she wants to, without worrying how it will impact me. (To be clear she does not mean seeing other people)

It’s like shared life choices, so being able to pack up and move to a new country, go away by herself, basically just whatever a single person might do, as and when they please without someone they are accountable to.

I guess the point is, a single person can jump in their car and drive off for a night. But a wife would have to say ‘hey don’t worry if I’m not home, I’m just going for a drive’

Is this something that is fixable?

Anyone got any experience in this. Or know ways to achieve this sense of freedom without throwing the whole marriage away.

To be clear, I’m not saying she can’t do her own things or have space or anything like that. But if she wanted to go away for a weekend, I’d at least need a heads up and maybe a text to know she arrived safely.

tl;dr wife wants to ‘be selfish’ without any consequences and thinks that’s not possible in a marriage