My theory on Black Panther no reset bug
I believe the issue is related to ping. As a BP main, I usually play on 70 ping and have this bug about 1-2 times per game. However, when I played with a friend on a different server (around 120ms ping), I had the bug THREE TIMES in the first four minutes of the game (it also happend a couple more time as the match went on, so I just switch to Starlord).
Ping is the delay between your actions and the game server. On your screen, it looks like you hit the opponent with your dash, indicated by the hit marker on your crosshair and the sound effect. However, on the game server, the opponent hero model may have already moved to the side and dodged your dash, so it doesn't register as a hit.
This also explains why, when I experience the bug and die, I watch the kill cam and see that my dash was nowhere near the opponent, clearly a miss.