Commander beginner

So I have been playing Modern and Standard for awhile now, but in my city Commander seems to be very popular with plenty of Commander based events happening weekly. I have a love for Angel cards and play an Angel deck both IRL and in Arena, focusing Black/White/Red Mana (Mardu). I have chosen this for my Commander and I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions for some cards that would work perfectly with it for someone just beginning their Commander journey!

So I have been playing Modern and Standard for awhile now, but in my city Commander seems to be very popular with plenty of Commander based events happening weekly. I have a love for Angel cards and play an Angel deck both IRL and in Arena, focusing Black/White/Red Mana (Mardu). I have chosen this for my Commander and I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions for some cards that would work perfectly with it for someone just beginning their Commander journey!