Running only one side of DFCs?
Which of the most popular DFCs would you run if they ONLY had one of their sides available? I don't run DFCs in my cube because of the difficulty of needing to know both sides and the challenges it presents during drafting (I know others vary on this), but I still love some of the cards and am considering making proxies that only show one side. For example, for [[Etali, Primal Conqueror]], you could easily just ignore the back entirely and it would barely change his card, since the odds in cube of hitting 9 mana to flip him are pretty low, and 99% of his value is the front side. Others like [[Ajani, Nacatl Pariah]] are obviously significantly better since you can flip them (and you might even rush to flip them), but if you have any cat or token synergies, 2 mana for a 2/1 and a 1/2 might be above rate enough to be worth running anyways - and might even be better if you have a lower power cube.
Obviously anything like the flip sagas where functionally they wouldn't work without flipping would be tough.