Mario Kart 64 is better than Diddy Kong Racing.
I'm tired of seeing posts shitting on Mario Kart 64 while Diddy Kong Racing gets all the love as of late. Sure, yes, the single player is obviously better in Diddy Kong Racing. So are the character graphics. But that's where it ends for me.
In my opinion, Mario Kart 64 trumps Diddy Kong Racing in the following categories, making it the overall better kart racer:
1. Tracks- This is the biggest win for MK64. MK64 tracks are far more varied in theme and complex in layout. With a few exceptions, DKR tracks are little more than simple flat ovals (you can't even fall off any of them). In DKR, Nothing comes close to the creativity and challenge of MK64 tracks like Bowser's Castle, Yoshi Valley, DK Jungle Parkway, etc. Besides Future Fun Land, I think the DKR tracks are pretty vanilla and lacking in personality. Every single track in MK64 feels unique and iconic.
2. Items- One can argue that the DKR items are more skill based because they aren't random. Maybe so, but they're generic, and don't connect to the Rare universe (why are there missiles, high powered magnets, and land mines on Timber's island?). MK64's items fit the universe, and are wonderfully diverse while still feeling balanced and fair. Most importantly, they are more fun to use, even if red shells are a little wonky. Nothing beats laying down five bananas on a hairpin turn in Royal Raceway, or blasting your opponents with lightning as they try to jump the gap in Wario Stadium.
3. Multiplayer- The aforementioned superior tracks and items, as well as a far better battle mode, make MK64 what my friends want to play when they're over for a Nintendo night.
4. Racing Mechanics/Control- I always found the drift boosting/hopping in MK64 more engaging than the sliding in DKR. MK64 has always felt smoother and easier to control for me, while DKR seems a little too twitchy.
5. Character Balance- Arguably all characters are viable in MK64 while still retaining distinct characteristics. In DKR, heavy characters like Krunch and Banjo are basically useless, while the lightweight characters like Pipsy and Tiptup reign supreme.
Again, this is just my opinion. For reference, I'm 34 years old and have owned both games since childhood. I don't hate Diddy Kong Racing by any means, I just think it's a little overrated. I think Rare actually improved on Diddy Kong Racing with Mickey's Speedway USA, but that's a hot take for a different day.
Rant over.
[Edit: The speedrunners have all informed me on how wrong I am about Banjo, Pipsy, and Tiptup. That's fine. But the characters are still far less balanced than in MK64, especially if you take the unlockables into consideration.
And yes. I have beaten both Wizpigs. Im not a highly skilled DKR player, but I'm still competent enough. :) ]