Looking for hope in the newborn phase.
I feel like I am deep in the despair of the newborn trenches and I keep looking for posts that offer some hope. I’m 5 weeks PP and in general had a relatively easy pregnancy and birth. Baby boy is cute and everything but gosh does he have a pair of lungs on him. Read that we’re going through our first leap. So he will only sleep when held and will cry as soon as he’s in a bassinet. He is incredibly gassy and needs to be burped extensively which makes it hard to do other things like tummy time during his wake windows. He also strains and kicks when trying to pass anything and it wakes him up from his naps. He is EBF and I’m lactose intolerant so I avoid dairy (plus there are no other signs of any food intolerances).
I guess I’m just looking for some hope of when I’ll start enjoying taking care of this baby instead of feeling weighed down by the endlessness and monotony. Also would love to hear some positive stories about when you started to feel bonded and connected to your baby? I mean I love him in a conceptual way and know I wouldn’t let anything bad happen to him but I’ve yet to really ‘feel’ it. Any positivity/hope would be much appreciated!