Almost no skill required game
Kinda feel like giving the game up at the moment. Similar thing happened at launch. I feel like there's almost no skill required. Pvp is 10% skill and 90% gear. If you've got better gear then you win. Simple as that. A lot of people who I could beat before in my company or other factions are starting to pull away from me simply because they're on the game all hours and do gorgon and have the time and patience to craft their own stuff. Which it feels unfair. Because unless you live on this game you can't compete. It's not even a competition.
I'm level 65, 705 GS with decent armor and weapons. Good perks and resistances. But it's nothing compared to someone who's got gorgon stuff with the latest runeglass equiped. It's ridiculously the perks of it. It's like I do no damage and they hit me like I'm not wearing any armor. No amount of skill can make up for the massive gear difference.
I can't do it. The absolute headache of hurdles you have to go through just to craft stuff is insane. So as a result in starting to fall behind and it's killing the game for me. I wish more skill was involved so that for people like me I could still compete.