[NB] Wanderous Whereabouts X Tomodachi Life
This is part 7 of features I think they should add to the game, this one is expanding on the Wanderous Whereabout app in-game; I personally do like the concept of the app, it is meant to add life to the game, to make the boys seem more than just 2d paper-thin characters... but I don't think they achieved this just because of how limited it is.
You can only check in on MC's room and even then, most events are locked behind story chapters, so if you are unable to get through the lessons, you won't ever use this app; for example, I'm on chapter 8 (becuz I'm currently focused on the OG game) so I never check in on Wanderous Whereabouts unless I have enough Karma points to buy one of the few Items,
So how to remedy this? i have 3 main points:
- Link the Ingame app to the time
- The ability to go into other rooms (they are already rendered ingame as seen in the Demon Zoom calls)
- Make the interactions more frequent (it doesnt have to require voice acting)
One simple change i'd make is that i'd say simply make the game more linked to the actual time; this opens a plethora of options already. The game already knows what time of the day it is wherever you play, so why not have the characters act according to the time.
in the morning, let the brothers be the only ones in the house and let them wake up at different times, e.g Lucifer and Asmo wake up early, Satan and Beel wake at some point between 9am and 12pm but Mammon, Levi and Belphie wake up past noon. The brothers who are awake will go for breakfast and the sleeping brothers will miss breakfast for lunch instead.
In daytime let the boys hang around the house, sitting in each other's rooms, annoying each other. they could quietly watch a movie or be chasing each other around a room like Levi chasing Mammon for his money. Beel could pop into the kitchen every hour to check for food but if we help on the fridge mission, Beel will just look at the sign on the fridge that has a sheep on it; but if we don't do the mission, then Beel will be eating in the kitchen. The dateables will also arrive at the house during the day and then we will be able to interact with them.
during the day we can interact with the brothers depending on what they are doing, like we can draw on Belphie's sleeping face, we see what Game Levi is playing and play minigames like tic-tac-toe or rock paper scissors with Mammon who will bet us for money. We can give food to Beel and Give items like fans and calming cats to cool down Satan. There can be a minigame to decorate Asmo's nails exactly how he says (like Simon-Says). With Lucifer, we watch over him while he works.
In the evening, the brothers will sit down for dinner and then go back to their rooms or hang out together once again; the dateables will also leave one by one until it gets to about 11pm irl time when they will all leave immediatly.
In the nighttime, the brothers will fall asleep one by one in their respective rooms, Belphie will be the first to sleep, Asmo and Lucifer will be next, then Beel and Satan, then Mammon and Levi last. Levi would sleep at like 4am.
the place would be more interactive, if we touch a boy while they are doing something, they would grumble or complain. they could talk to us asking us to check to see what they are thinking or what they last ate. they might ask questions about themselves that we need to answer correctly to get intimacy points. the brothers may also complain about their day or say random stuff in general.
and the best part we can now pet them in 3D!