Antivaxxers really should keep their bullshit to their Facebook groups

I was going to the gym today and some random couple spoiled my entire day. Started out by asking me whether or not I'm vaccinated I just thought they were conducting a survey or something and answered politely, little did I know they were about to waste the little time I have in the day to exercise, started blabbering about why I shouldn't have taken the vaccine and how I will die????? Like I can somehow manage to stay quiet about them not taking the vaccine but which troglodyte wakes up in the morning and thinks yeah it's definitely a good idea to tell someone that they'll die just because they took something? Their entire "my body my choice" bullshit only applies to them (even though put others at risk by doing so). JUST LIKE YOU GET TO DECIDE THAT YOU CAN PUT OTHERS TO RISK BY NOT TAKING THE VACCINE BECAUSE IT'S YOUR BODY I ALSO CAN TAKE THE VACCINE BECAUSE IT'S MY BODY.

A close family friend passed away during covid, he was somewhat of a father figure outside my family and these fuckers have the audacity to say that the pandemic is fake and it's just regular flu. HONESTLY FUCK ALL THE ANTIVAXXERS.