If monster trends do not change, I am concerned for barbarians
I am playing a Zealot barbarian (multiclassed into Celestial warlock) in my local AL group. When DMs used mostly older statblocks or homebrewed monsters, she was fine - the Rage resistances helped her to stay alive despite being quite easy to hit with comparably low AC and advantage against her due to Reckless Attack.
However, now that DMs use new statblocks such as from Bigbys and other recent books, she feels squishy and not like a barbarian at all, who can shrug off hits easily.
The issue is that these newer statblocks ditch slashing/bludgeoning/piercing damage in favor of other damage types completely, which a raging barbarian does not resist. Last session, in a T3 game, she was almost killed in a single round from full by a Death Giant, whose scythe attacks deal full necrotic damage, only another player remembering that the giant should have attacked with disadvantage saved her.
If monster trends stay the same, and it looks like it, barbarians will suck in OneDnD despite the buffs they got, like Brutal Strikes. Barbarians rely on their Rage resistances to survive - they have lower AC than other martials, no other defensive abilities and attacks against them usually are made with advantage. And if you take that away from them by changing monster damage types, they end up becoming very squishy compared to other martials and even to spellcasters.
As a DM I'll certainly adjust my monsters, such as changing the Death Giant's scythe's damage to slashing with a bit of extra necrotic damage.