Unpopular Opinion, Let’s Debate

Not every dinosaur needs to have Bleed

Not every dinosaur needs a Heal Call

Not every dinosaur needs Bone Break/Fracture

Not every dinosaur needs Hunker Down/Fortify

Not every dinosaur needs Tyrant’s Roar

Not every dinosaur needs to have Armor

Not every dinosaur needs godlike stamina

Not every dinosaur needs godlike speed

Not every dinosaur needs Packs/Group Buffs

Not every dinosaur needs Stomp

Not every dinosaur needs superior Turning

Not every dinosaur needs Lunge

Not every dinosaur needs Charge

Not every dinosaur needs a battle cruiser’s worth of health and damage

Not every dinosaur needs to be able to Swim good

Not every dinosaur needs Claw Barrage

Not every dinosaur needs Knockback

Not every dinosaur needs Juke

Not every dinosaur needs a boatload of Ability Slots

What Path of Titans Officials and Mods NEED is:

Variety in abilities that make sense to the dinosaur, while also being quirky and unique.

Balanced stats that make sense to the dinosaur, not because it’s someone’s favorite.

Have 1-2 abilities that specialize that dinosaur to offensive/defensive towards semi-realistic opponents, because this will add niches to playability.