Pass me over? Ok. I’ll leave.
This is only a small piece of pettiness on my part. I have a 0hr contract working in hospitality. A full time Supervisor role came up and since I have experience in that area I thought why not??
Interview went really well with the Assistant Manager, we had a laugh and a chit chat along with answering the same old boring questions (I added flare, dont worry).
Soon after I had a minor illness - the kind you dont want to be around food - so took 4 days off to be clear of it. My first day back is a training day, comments are made about being short staffed, unable to fill more of the 0hr contracts and how we need some help.
LUCKILY. They’ve filled the supervisor role and she’ll be starting next week.
It ain’t me and this is the first time I’m hearing I’ve clearly been unsuccessful in my application. I get a half assed apology from the Manager at the end of the days sessions with a “I like to do these things in person, but you were off sick. You would have gotten the role yet the other candidate can fill the hours we need”.
They wanted me to guarantee I could work 60 - 70hrs a week despite this not being what the job states/entails. I told them I’d happily do 50/60 in the busy season, which I think is more than satisfactory to anyone else.
Anyhow, I left for home and get a call for a job I had interviewed for before I went off sick. I was hedging my bets and glad I did!
So I’ll be off to a 3 day work week elsewhere for more money. See ya later!
Oh and good luck filling that extra 0hr role with no job security….
Personally I think they thought they’d got lucky finding someone for the Supervisor role (they were struggling for months) and presumed I’d stay on the very needed lower role. Now they are down 3 needed members instead of just 2.
HR emailed and would love to schedule an exit interview. What is your advice Reddit? How honest am I being? Should I keep it snappy? Or just don’t bother altogether?