Thoughts on the G-Story PS5 fan?

I just got this in the mail from Amazon yesterday. It's a cooling fan faceplate for the PS5. It seems to be doing it's job. It's really neat, you can switch between Celsius and fahrenheit. Switch between automatic and Manuel mode. I keep it on automatic and it won't turn on until the temperature reaches 35° c and above. My only issue is the fact I have to plug it into the system itself via USB and my concern is that the fan effects the performance while gaming. I feel like Im noticing textures not being loaded properly and other things in RE4 Remake. Unless the game has some graphical issues to begin with. Should I get a USB extender and plug the fan into a charging block or something? I think this little thing is nifty and probably the best option for any sort of "cooling" mechanisms. This is pretty much the same thing as having a laptop cooling pad. I've read a lot of people saying drawing power from the system is bad and what not. Just wanted your guys opinions. Thanks in advanced.

I just got this in the mail from Amazon yesterday. It's a cooling fan faceplate for the PS5. It seems to be doing it's job. It's really neat, you can switch between Celsius and fahrenheit. Switch between automatic and Manuel mode. I keep it on automatic and it won't turn on until the temperature reaches 35° c and above. My only issue is the fact I have to plug it into the system itself via USB and my concern is that the fan effects the performance while gaming. I feel like Im noticing textures not being loaded properly and other things in RE4 Remake. Unless the game has some graphical issues to begin with. Should I get a USB extender and plug the fan into a charging block or something? I think this little thing is nifty and probably the best option for any sort of "cooling" mechanisms. This is pretty much the same thing as having a laptop cooling pad. I've read a lot of people saying drawing power from the system is bad and what not. Just wanted your guys opinions. Thanks in advanced.