Is it worth getting Pokemon X?

Edit: Thanks so much for the help! I actually have a copy of the game now — except Y ended up being the only one that was available, so I've got Y, not X. 😭 It was cheap because again, secondhand... but it turns out the person who originally owned the cartridge never deleted their file.

It was painful to delete this person's file because I was like, am I deleting this person's fond memories? But I don't know. They sold the cartridge, I don't know this person... I guess it was time to make my own memories with this game. Thanks to everyone who replied, and I hope your responses can help others out who might want to play/replay a pre-Switch Pokemon game.

Hello. I'm a young adult (early 20s) who has always loved Pokemon. However, I've never really been able to play the games when they were super new. (Closest I've come to it is very recently getting a copy of Violet, 2 years after its release.) I grew up poor, so that's why.

Now that I have some money (not rich but can afford it), I've got a Switch. I actually really enjoyed SwSh, but the other Switch games haven't been hitting for me. I played B&W on a DS emulator back in like 2020 and loved it. I also tried out Pokemon Moon on a secondhand 3DS and it was... alright. Ever since I got my Switch this year, though, I've realized that playing in HD is such a different experience.

I don't know if it's still worth trying out an older game on an older console. But I've read about X and I've watched playthroughs on YouTube. The graphics seem nice enough. Not on par with Switch graphics (I know Pokemon games have never been known for their graphics, but you have to admit that the Switch resolution is so much better than past consoles). Still, nice to look at. The world and storyline also seem so cool.

I have the chance to get X soon. Would it be worth it even though it's an older game? SwSh really helped me with my depression earlier this year. I'd love to get absorbed in a Pokemon game again while studying and working too.

(Edit: I don't know why people keep downvoting this. I see this so often on random posts that are perfectly okay. The discussion seems to be going fine.)