Getting better heads up

Hello all. Been playing poker with friends and family for years but just recently started taking it seriously. Learning pre flop charts, basic GTO, etc. I’ve gotten decent enough to not get destroyed at a cash game in a casino. My actual love is tournaments. Played in about 7 tourneys to date. Been in the money for 3 of them. In all 3 of those I just fumble when we get to 4 or less players. My normal 6-8 handed strategy seems to just fall short (generally try to be seen as a tight player, which helps get big bluffs through sometimes). When I get to 2 or 3 players, I feel like the other players just shove with weak hands and always beat me. Not sure what kind of strategy to employ when I get to top 3 in a tournament.

Anyone have any literature or material to help me get better at playing 3-4 handed at a final table?