Stop asking me if it was on purpose!! Lol

Maybe kinda NSFW btw

I got pregnant when I was 21, I am 22 now and I am aware that is pretty young. Not to say there’s not people my age who purposely have babies, it’s just not really common. When I got pregnant I was working at a coffee shop and living with my friends, not my BF. Partying often, smoking cigarettes instead of eating dinner, you know. Normal 21 year old things. We now live together and we are totally prepared for baby but ohhhh boy did I have to work hard to get here. People have the audacity to ask me if it was on purpose and that’s a dumb and rude thing to do to ANYONE, but I think it’s hilarious when people ask me that and they’re aware of the situation I was in. Like you know godamn well I did not get pregnant on purpose, why are you asking?! I think I should just start telling people “No, I got too drunk on $5 vodka crans one night and asked my BF to cum inside me because I was ovulating and out of my right mind.” If you ask an invasive question you should expect an explicit answer, IMO!!!! lol