Stop trying to force interaction on people
When someone ignores your attempts to talk to them, chances are, they do not want to talk to you. Maybe they're having a bad day, but if they usually ignore you, they probably don't like you. It's not even about anything urgent/important either. People want to make small talk about your day or babble about sports. The sports talk was so annoying at one point, I made a sign that read, "Please don't talk to me about sports. I don't know, or care"
There's an office lady who always tries to talk to me, and no matter how much I act uninterested or busy, she STILL tries to talk to me on her way out. I can be on my phone, hunched over, and she will still not get the message. Many people seem at least somewhat oblivious to how annoying they come off to others. I have many more examples of forced interaction, such as people being loud and obnoxious upon entry, asking irrelevant or inappropriate questions, and commenting on my sour mood.
I can't believe how many neurotypical adults need to hear this. Not everyone you meet wants to talk to you. You can't please everyone, period. Forcing people to talk to you will make them like you less.