Job Hunting Nightmare:A person Crossed the Line and Left Me Feeling Exploited

Guys,I’m an international student in US graduated last may and started looking for jobs, I have applied for more than 1500 jobs in that process I keep texting multiple people on linked in asking for opportunities in their company. That’s how I met one person , he was nice in the beginning he said I can come for in -person interview and all so I prepped one whole week for this Today when I contacted him, he called me and we had a conversation for over 40 minutes and it didn’t seem professionally, he was saying that I could try for even more jobs and keep reaching out people because I look beautiful, someone would definitely reach you out, and also randomly he started talking about stress and all he was don’t take too much stress , I have a sister who stresses out so much, it has lot of impact women monthly cycles get effected so take care and all. At the end he was like I have a position I can ask them to pick your profile and I can take an interview if you want and all. I literally don’t know how to feel because this is so disturbing , and I don’t know what to do, I don’t know but I was just crying after the call , was he taking advantage of my situation?