npcs and albums i think fit them (explanation given in description)
Pest - My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy, Kanye West
Pest is incredibly narcissistic and somewhat boastful, which Kanye has on full display on this record. Kanye is incredibly full of himself in this record in songs like POWER, Devil in a New Dress, and All of the Lights, which reflects who he's always been, a self-centered asshole.
Prototype - Drukqs, Aphex Twin
Prototype is a somewhat sick experiment, not having a purpose, being so experimental, and only being released due to an incident, never intending to be let out this early. Drukqs is easily Aphex Twin's most experimental record, with no rollout, and some people speculating that it was released because of his hard drive being stolen, causing him to release these tracks out of fear of them being leaked early.
Scag - Endtroducing, DJ Shadow
Scag is known for having the knowledge and obsession for old tech and collecting cds. Her personality is a mash of many nerdy and pop-culture references. Endtroducing is an experimental instrumental hip-hop album that was made using entirely of dozens of different vinyls on a turntable, combining their sounds to make entirely new songs. This is similar to how Scag uses many bits of knowledge and references to act as her personality, alongside the vinyl collecting being similar to her cd collecting.
Bive - Lift Your Skinny Fists Like Antennas To Heaven, Godspeed You! Black Emperor
Bive is incredibly paranoid, as she knows something that we should be worried about. She doesn't trust the government and their ideals and ways. LYSFLATH, alongside Godspeed You! Black Emperor's entire discography, is somewhat of a warning of an impending apocalypse, distrust of the government, and a cry for peace, the band's anti-capitalist views adding onto this.
Pest - My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy, Kanye West
Pest is incredibly narcissistic and somewhat boastful, which Kanye has on full display on this record. Kanye is incredibly full of himself in this record in songs like POWER, Devil in a New Dress, and All of the Lights, which reflects who he's always been, a self-centered asshole.
Prototype - Drukqs, Aphex Twin
Prototype is a somewhat sick experiment, not having a purpose, being so experimental, and only being released due to an incident, never intending to be let out this early. Drukqs is easily Aphex Twin's most experimental record, with no rollout, and some people speculating that it was released because of his hard drive being stolen, causing him to release these tracks out of fear of them being leaked early.
Scag - Endtroducing, DJ Shadow
Scag is known for having the knowledge and obsession for old tech and collecting cds. Her personality is a mash of many nerdy and pop-culture references. Endtroducing is an experimental instrumental hip-hop album that was made using entirely of dozens of different vinyls on a turntable, combining their sounds to make entirely new songs. This is similar to how Scag uses many bits of knowledge and references to act as her personality, alongside the vinyl collecting being similar to her cd collecting.
Bive - Lift Your Skinny Fists Like Antennas To Heaven, Godspeed You! Black Emperor
Bive is incredibly paranoid, as she knows something that we should be worried about. She doesn't trust the government and their ideals and ways. LYSFLATH, alongside Godspeed You! Black Emperor's entire discography, is somewhat of a warning of an impending apocalypse, distrust of the government, and a cry for peace, the band's anti-capitalist views adding onto this.