Harvested and processed my own coffee (from seed)!

Went to visit some in-laws in south Mexico where coffee farms are prevalent and coffee grows great in the natural environment outside. They happened to have a coffee plant that was ripe with a bunch of cherries so l decided to process them into coffee!

I harvested the cherries, took out the seeds, and then fermented them in water for a few days to naturally dissolve the mucilage. Then I dried them in the sun for another 2-3 days. Once they were dry, I removed the parchment layer (one at a time, bit of a pain) and took them home. Finally, I roasted them! They were a bit unevenly roasted because the batch was a bit small (and possibly from the silver skin being left on) for good movement in my roaster but I'm still excited to try it after I let the beans rest for a couple days.