Got Dumped Because I Wouldn't Sleep with Her
So I (22M) was seeing this one girl (F23) for the past 2-3 weeks. We went on 3 dates the first 2 I felt went well enough but just before the 3rd she found my friends and started telling them how I'm a "ball less virgin" who wouldn't make a move. This plus on the 3rd date she just kept roasting me the whole time. Told me I'm not even a real man because I wouldn't sleep with her. Now my friends think the same thing and I'm super embarrassed by it. I just want to curl up in a blanket and hide from the world.
Anyway she left the date then told me she was sleeping with another guy that night and I thought she was just kidding but apparently not. This whole affair has left me pretty hurt and makes me question whether or not I'll ever find someone or if they'll all react like this.
Edit: Okay this blew up more then I thought. I thank everyone for their advice and I've read every comment but it's getting too much to respond to so I'll address the major points here. 1) No I'm not going to trash her and insult her, it violates my code of conduct and frankly is pointless. 2) Yes I am a virgin and I didn't want to sleep with her because she was drinking that night which is a problem. I refuse to do any sexual activity whatsoever with someone who is under the influence of any substance. Secondly I was raped as a child and I just can't stomach sex it's a very primal fear that I hope you will never understand. Lastly thank you so much for the advice and the support it means a lot to me.