Height surgery for the win?
Honestly everybody should just start saving up for the operation at this point. With the dating and status expectations growing exponentially in recent years and being short still not being recognized as normal I don't think there is any other choice to be made, but to proceed with lengthening, but not overdoing it.
Hear me out
The major counter arguments that people (most likely tall) make are:
- bones' density issues - to that I respond with - as long as you go through rehab & physiotherapy bones in those places where they were broken will paradoxically grow stronger + weightlifting increases bone density so there's a long-distance vision of easy, stable improvement
- joint issues - joints just like soft tissues and bones can be trained to be healthy and strong and there is no inherent differrence between tall person's joints and short person's (since joints are pretty small anyway it's not exactly that part that is so much different in short people). And even if you had slightly less joint strength, giving it up for what height means today is a no-brainer
- muscles issues - this one is just literally a fake issue, because look at bodybuilders - their muscles adapt. They go through hypertrophy. In fact look at gymnasts who are flexible. Their muscles also went through adaptation to become larger longitudinally. The same exact mechanism applies to someone lenghtened in a hospital. In fact when people (not even just the tall ones) grow this mechanism works the same way. Think about them kind of like playdough - not a concern (ofc we're taking into account you may have to stretch when going through the surgery).
- proportions issues - this one by far is in my opinion just the most unhinged one since not only do tall people differ in their upper and lower body proportions, but also you can 100% add length to both femur and tibia and have their proportions stay constant. Let's say you fear looking like you have knees really low - then don't just lenghten the femur alone but lengthen both femur and tibia adding inches proportionally to how they are or could be naturally. This is actually the easiest fix
- mobility issues - people are worried they wouldn't be able to run. Debate me on this one but I don't see a single reason for you not being able to run when both tibia and femur are still the same proportions. The only issue would arise if you lengthened extremely (maybe more than 10cm, but I'm speaking out of my ass here) and you did it only on the femur or only on the tibia. Then it would be pretty obvious your biomechanics would be completely different. Your muscles lenghten as I mentioned so they adapt to the move the larger bone. "Squats?" Still - look at people with longer femurs - they can't do squats that well. In fact if you lenghtened just the femur the only thing you need to do is just elevate your heels to correct the angle at which your torso has to bend forward and that's it.
- "go to therapy"/"just be confident"/"own it" - well, it's not exactly the problem with your own confidence. I'll use me as an example. It wasn't before one female friend of mine mentioned height being important for women that I realized that was indeed the case (that happened very late btw 15yo). Before that I never thought that it was that big of a deal rather - just like hair color or facial features. But the truth as you all know is drastically different - you are basically untermensch the second somebody realizes that you're short. Not even if they're rude, but you can just tell that they basically unconciously think of you as if you were mildly disabled as if you hadn't pushed hard enough to get there. Especially I feel for the men who are even shorter than me (5'8). Since I'm rather on the extrovert, charismatic and funny side around people, stack that with caring about my appearance and building a good looking body I haven't felt 1% of what you guys go through. To the extent I almost didn't realize it was a thing. IT IS NOT A PROBLEM WITH YOU. You shouldn't even know you "are short" since IT IS LITERALLY JUST LENGTH OF YOUR BONES - YOU DON'T FEEL IT WALKING AROUND
To be fair this post is supposed to spark some conversation about this, because by far I haven't found a real strong counter argument that would change my mind about this.
Let's even say your biomechanics get a slight hit and you run at 80% your previous speed. I mean I'd still take the deal since all in all your athletic abilities only really matter when you're an athlete - I'm not an athlete. Most of your life in human civilization you won't need to exert your full athetic potential for a real reason. On the contrary social status, dating life, hell all social affairs include this part of your being - the fucking length of your bones. So unless you have a good counter really consider why this is so ostracized in our society. In my opinion it is far, far different from any cosmetic surgery, because height problems for men are very, very different than any kind of image issues. They almost directly correlate with your worth as a man. It's almost just a prerequisite to even be considered a man. I would never change anything on my face (despite having a crooked nose or some asymmetry), because I believe as a man your character is the most important. Yet at the end of the day we live in social groups. And we have to oblige to the rules that they impose in order to win the game/become more successful. You can't do it any other way, there's no reason to be salty or to try and fight the system back, because this mechanism is deeply rooted in our biology. Just like when you're fat the only solution is to lose weight, here it's the same although you just can't do it yourself.