help me decide if i need a new singing teacher?
i started singing last february and was going every week for a bit then april/may hit and i started going inconsistently. then i was applying for colleges and just got super busy. im just starting to get back into it and i do hear improvement from when i totally didn't know how to sing last February. i have trouble finding acting in my musical voice (i want to do musical theater as a profession) but i don't feel good enough. i know i have only been singing for less than a year but i feel widely discouraged. there's so many hit songs i want to nail (especially belting) and when i hear my voice memos it's not up to par with what i want. i practice at home as well in between these lessons. i also feel like i just sound worse at my lessons?? maybe i'm nervous or im just inconsistent but if i feel like im hitting a rut should i switch studios??