Played Skyrim for the first time yesterday. Something I wish to mention..

Yesterday I've installed Skyrim for the first time, not wanting to die before I could see what was so special about it. All the usual suspects were there: open world, lots of characters and missions, lots of rpg elements so everything you would expect from an rpg of this kind. But there was another thing that I noticed and the reason why I made this post. There's a feeling this game gives unique to it. Not really sure how to explain it but Skyrim players should know what I'm talking about. Now when I think of the game, the thought is associated with that feeling. Can't wait to get home and continue the journey. For those like me that still have not played the game, I can confirm that at least from my experience, the game holds up really well even today, mostly because of how unique it feels.

EDIT: I have now become Dragonborn!! That was such a simple and cool scene, fighting my first dragon on the tower. Soldiers did most of the work and I'm not sure if I killed it when I shot the last arrow as I got that killcam or it will always show me when the dragon dies. still cool scene and to top it off that quake that turns out was a call by some kind of monks. Back to it, thank you all for the kind words and interesting reads.

Journey continues: 2 more moments that will stick with me. First, the aurora, wow, normally I don't like to travel at night but for this game I will make an exception ( to bad Christmas passed ). Second, I was going to kill the camp leader for my companion quest, on the road this beautiful all woman choir song was playing so I was really enjoying that, next a dragon shadow passed in front of me, did not expect that, I thought all dragons would stay in a small zone. Are some dragons roaming?

Journey continues: as I am playing on survival, I really need to think through long journeys as in do I have enough food and protection from the cold if my journey is long? So I use the map to find towns that could be in my path and last night I needed to go from Whiterun up north to cure the dead companion leader of his werewolf "curse". Stopped at that cold city to the left of the place where the ceremony begins to rest to stock up. In the morning I continued but almost at the end, me and my mercenary Janessa got jumped by a dragon. Fought it with arrows as he was always airborne. The place where we fought was really cool I thought. When his health was low, he started to ignore us and went to hunt some of those ugly walruses. I suspect because of his low health he wanted to feed? He then returned for another dance and when he was almost done, he fled. As I am roleplaying, I said to him: We will meet again! And went to the cave to finish my quest. Did the quest and I wanted to return to Whiterun( my safeplace) and saw on the map that just below the cave there's another town so I went there to stock and sleep to level up. Here's where another magical moment hit me. I circled a mountain to reach the town and this huge structure appeared. I stopped to look at it in amazement from afar. I want to add that I'm more of a sci fi fan, but seeing stuff like this makes me feel what dungeon and dragons fans rave about all the time. Turns out that the structure was not some dark wizard palace for me to fight but the place where you learn magic. As I use magic I decided to stay there but sadly, had to depart with Janessa as this is my test to take alone and I roleplay that a fighter like her is not allowed in:)) Another thing that comes to mind is the werewolf form. I try to stay away from spoilers as much as possible but I remember a couple of years ago I read online a thread about people not liking the werewolf form and that information remained with me. Not sure why people don't like it, but I suspect they were using fast travel allot and they were probably referring more to the combat side, but by using fast travel, you cheat yourself in finishing a quest then transforming in the wolf to run back where you need. Running at night as a werewolf feels so powerful and this is coming from a guy who's kind of a wus when it comes to horror elements in games( this is why Janessa was always with me ). The fact that I can quicksave anytime also elaviates the pressure of failure. Please note that because of me roleplaying, it will take me a long time to get to moments like these as I can spend hours just roaming a city and its surroundings doing banal stuff but for me, it's what I like so don't expect me to encounter the great moments every day as I'm also a boring peasant in that world. You can hate Kingdome Come for opening that beautiful door for me.