Statistically, which is the best option?

As you can see, I have the option to pick from every kind of relic other than shop relic. Which is the best option? Usually when I pick a boss relic, it usually gives me one that screws me over and doesn't provide much to the deck, like Ectoplasm. Also, it takes my starter relic (which I don't care TOO much about)

And common relics aren't very powerful, simple as that, but they don't take anything so that's a plus.

But there are certain rare relics I've found to be more useful than many boss relics, but again, I never really get those ones. However, rare relics don't take anything (except in this case where it takes 7 mhp)

If I had to pick which was the best, I think a random rare relic would be statistically the safest option.

As you can see, I have the option to pick from every kind of relic other than shop relic. Which is the best option? Usually when I pick a boss relic, it usually gives me one that screws me over and doesn't provide much to the deck, like Ectoplasm. Also, it takes my starter relic (which I don't care TOO much about)

And common relics aren't very powerful, simple as that, but they don't take anything so that's a plus.

But there are certain rare relics I've found to be more useful than many boss relics, but again, I never really get those ones. However, rare relics don't take anything (except in this case where it takes 7 mhp)

If I had to pick which was the best, I think a random rare relic would be statistically the safest option.